  • 详细介绍

1 学校校徽(图片)

2 学校中文名 大主教瑞安高中

3 学校英文名 Archbishop Ryan High School

4 学校所在国家、城市、具体地址 America Philadelphia, 11201 Academy Road,Philadelphia,PA 19154

5 学校网站 http://www.archbishopryan.com/

6 学校面积 35英亩(213亩)

7 学校成立时间 1966年

8 学校学生人数 About 1500

9 国际学生人数 About 20

10 学校性质 私立男女混合寄宿高中

11 学校提供学习科目

 AP课 程:13门

特色音乐课程: 乐队会乐队(长笛、竖笛、萨克斯、长号、大号、打击乐器) ,乐队入门(长笛、竖笛、萨克斯、长号、大号、打击乐器) ,管弦乐(小提琴、中提琴、大提琴、低音提琴) ,弦乐(小提琴、中提琴、大提琴、低音提琴) ,声乐(声调练习、发音、吐气、断句、声调、韵律、视唱) ,戏剧艺术(演员、技师、舞台工作人员)

12 高考考试成绩/进入名校比例

13 可选课程数量、具体课程 One of Archbishop Ryan's main attributes are the school's extensive and broad academic program. Offering many fields of study, Ryan offers a variety of studies such as English, Social Studies, Mathematics, Natural and Physical Science Studies, World Languages (French, Spanish, Italian, and Latin), Business, Technology, Religion, Music, and Fine Art Studies. Coursework is required in the fields of English, Social Studies, Mathematics, Natural and Physical Science Studies, Religion and World Languages.

14 学校各种设施 84 classrooms, 7 computer labs, 3 music rooms, 2 newly renovated science labs, 2 state-of-the-art sports gymnasiums, 2 art studios, 1, 1 graphic design lab, 1 iMac Music Tech Lab, and 1 new Black Box Theater that was dedicated in the Spring of 2013 and seats 140 people.

15 学校各种俱乐部数量

16 学校特点

特需学生项目Bonaventure Program

17 学校目标 In partnership with family and community, the faculty strives to teach as Jesus did by providing spiritual, social, and service opportunities for growth.  Through a comprehensive academic curriculum, the faculty challenges students to become well-rounded, life-long learners.

18 开学时间

19 学费金额(澳元)

20 杂费


21 学校图片、照片


22 其它

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